13 April 2015

Good Things in Halle (week 60)

Ah, so many, many great things and so little time!

I've been sick for the past few days so hopefully this email is even worth a read!

My companion, Sister Egbert, is really great. She's from Hawaii, a convert of 6 years, and adopted. The first few days with a new companion are always really rough for me, but we broke the ice pretty quickly when I asked her on Thursday night to cut my hair. Haha, she'd never done such a thing before (and I've never asked someone to do such a thing for me before), but she did a great job and my hair is now 4 inches shorter. A little more than I wanted, but hey, the last haircut that I had was before my mission, so it was about time.

Another great thing about Sister Egbert... but first some background. About a month ago at the Sisters Conference we had in Berlin, my camera was stolen from inside the church during the meeting. Obviously I was crushed, but I had gotten over it. I was telling Sister Egbert about it, and she told me that she had TWO cameras and would be more than willing to give me her second one that she wasn't using... MIRACLE! Speechless. So now I have a camera again. :) The Lord is so good!!! For me it's not just about a camera, but more importantly, it's about knowing that God is there and that He watches out for me! Even little Sister Seamons :)

Going back to me being sick... We showed up at church yesterday (which is still only 2 hours like in Greifswald) and my head was so stuffy I couldn't even think straight and to make matters worse I could hardly hear a dang thing, but for some reason I found myself sitting at the piano and accompanying in Relief Society. I had no idea what I was doing, and if I was making any mistakes, it didn't matter, because I couldn't even hear them. Then I had to sightread a song I had never heard of before... didn't even know I could do such a thing! And all of a sudden I acquired the lovely calling as RS pianist. Yeah. Don't know how, don't know why, but I'm doing it.

Halle is a beautiful, old, authentic German city with a lot of history. The weather has been so nice lately, I haven't worn tights or boots or a jacket since I got here... I even have tan lines already. There's lots for us to do here in Halle and I'm glad that I can end my mission here. I'm grateful to have Sister Egbert as a companion. I'm grateful for the amazing weather and that summer is coming. I'm grateful that I'm a missionary and that I can meet so many great people. I'm grateful for the power of prayer and the presence of a loving Heavenly Father.

I know that God has a plan for us and that everything happens for a reason. He wants to give us everything, and He knows how to do it. If we follow and obey Him and His Son, we will always be on the safe side of the line. I know it!

Sister Seamons

I love these guys!!! I miss them more than they'll ever know.

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